Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teach a Man to fish.....and he feeds 1000's

June 2008 was a dream come impossible dream, that's what we thought...

Imagine a visit to a far flung land, a connection with a child in a far away place, 1000's of miles from home.

An impossible task to offer support, encouragement and love, making a difference to his life, without creating unfair expectations, and making each of our lives miserable with unfullfilled dreams.

That's how is was, for TK, myself and my now 12 year old grandson Ben.

I first travelled to South Africa in 2005 and met TK as part of my travels into Soweto, then again in 2006, and then I returned with Ben completing on a promise that we made to make a difference to children in Soweto through sport last year.

TK in meeting Ben and myself, felt that he now had a family, that we were his real family, non blood, but connected.

There have been many trials since then, in having us all be together here in Australia for a month long holiday....five refused visa/passport applications. And today the 2nd June 2008 today the same thing.

Only this time it was going to be I said to myself......, and finally after hours on the telephone the day before his booked and paid for flight, after again being refused, I demanded a much needed decision review, and with more re-assurances given, we finally got the red light for TK to come.

TK was excited and apprehensive about what was next, but always trusting the process and as he packed and was at the airport to leave his home country on a plane to a far away land. He found himself once on the plane, literally pinching himself and asking the passengers next to him, if he was dreaming...he was sure he was going to wake up soon.

In his world, he had never travelled outside of Soweto/Johannesburg area, since his birth in Tanzania to an aids affected mother who died and he found himself alone, and being rasied by a lady in Soweto whom he thought was his biological mother.

His trust and apprehension, part of the new journey, of discovery and adventure. In my world an opportunity to have him be the leader he knows himself to be, to help his own people, but also to reconnect to his other family here in Australia.

Wow what a sight, seeing him putting foot to soil, the enbrace, the tears, and the reality check again for Tk, am I really here....... in Australia and in Adelaide, as the first stop of an amazing month long journey.

This started the most amazing time for each of us, the many happy and elated tears of joy, the lost amazing experiences followed.

Till this time we had never spent any more than 16 hours togther face to face.

We travelled to Mildura, spent time with my family, introducing, and experienceing all that it offered. For me seeing my beautiful 79 year old mother, embrace a man whom she never met and see how excited and full of love she was for 82 year old father taking TK to see kangaroos, dinner, and talk and laugh together, then Dad serenading Tk whilst playing the organ and sing hymns with this amazing man, TK spell bound at each new thing......
my amazing children and their children opening their hearts, and giving Tk the sense of family, the laughter, the play and seeing our children and grandchildren embrace, laugh, play and literally love their adopted new family member...

We spent time travelling Tasmania, Launceston, then Mole Creek, going into the ground to see timeless caves, and then walking the trails around Cradle Mounain, snow, sleet, rain and experiencing the sheer joy and euphoria of being on a mountain, connected to the life force that gave its beauty....hearing Tk say...Mamma can we pray..and the tears running down our faces as we shared the amazingness of the occassion, his experience of the beauty in the world, never before seen, the true gift of love he has in the experience of being alive....and as he shared "Mamma I feel like I have lived in a box all my life, my fears have been swept away by this gift you have given me....I truely can't thank you enough, I love you"........

We stayed in the lodge and then the next day travelled though Talla, Derwent Bridge down to Hobart, staying at Glenorchy, and visiting the Cadbury's factory, going on a cruise up the Tamar, travelling on a double decker bus seeing the sights of Hobart.

We then drove down to Port Arthur, a place of amazing duality with Kliptown and the Soweto riots during the Aparthaid time...for TK.

For myself it was overwhelming, seeing again and visiting the site where two of my mothers friends were killed, remembering the many days when I rode to school seeing Ron in the block, in his red jumper and seeing his big smile and always cheery greeting to the day..knowing that I was either late or early depending on what he said...

The gift of life, so present and to be treasured.

We left Port Arther, and staying in a wonderfull B&B on the way back to Hobart and then flew out back to Adelaide.

During our time TK completed voluntary work at the Australian Refugee Association, assisted in the Master Builders Association, completed a small business course, and equiped himself on ways to teach his community about recycling, the importance of nature and trees.

We again went back to Mildura and TK spent time working with the teachers at the Sunnycliffs Primary School, and set the ground rules for a shared exchange school project with the students.
It was an extraordianary time. The in the final few days we travelled down to Victor Harbour, met with friends and just experienced the environment.

His visit touched many people.

Dr Keith Mc Nider and his stunning wife have sponsored TK to complete the Landmark Forum in Cape Town and this happens at the end of August. Their gift to hime to assit him in making a bigger difference to his people.

A time full of living palpable exchanges, love, learning, openess and a shared experience that will deliver ripples in the lives of those that met him and in his life back in Soweto for a long time to come.

As Jesus said..." teach a man to fish, and you can feed thousand's"....

Ben and my gift to humanity in a form that makes a difference....funded by my wonderful company People Possibilities ACN.