Sunday, May 27, 2007

Africa - October 4 2006-The start

As I arrived in South Africa alighting from the plane, I was present to my oddity amongst the population of South Africans. Blonde, blue eyed and pale skin..hit me.

I was in Africa at the invitation of Kumarin whom I had met in Mykanos July 2006 a friend of Rotary friend Noel and his wife.

I immediately got a sense of the African life, or so I thought as we travelled from the airport and through the suburbs towards Kumarin's home, ......and immediately my senses were overloaded,and I found myself asking questions of why was I here?.......... How could it be that people were begging at each traffic light?, How could it be that razor wire, barbed wire, high fences, and armed police patrols walked the suburbs?, and Why did I have to buzz a buzzer, be viewed by the shop owner, and maybe then, I would be allowed to enter the shop?

Where was I?

I found myself overwhelmed and afraid to go out for the first 3 days, and laying in my bedroom and looking out through the large bars on my room, I was asking myself.."Is this the view I am going to have of Africa, and what am I going to do for the next 18 days? Is this going to be it?...I feel like the prisioner, not keeping offenders out, it is me who is stuck... "

I spent the first 4 days with Kumarin in Norwood, so afraid to enter the outside world, until one day I couldn't stand it any longer and off I went to the book shop. I rang the door bell and then this man appeared, viewed me, and then unlocked the door. Black and white, were all imprisioned in a free country..that's what I thought???? I brought a paper and I quickly walked back home, however every headline was about corruption, death, manipulation, and carnage......I was so sad.

I requested to be moved to a Bed and Breakfast....I just had to travel. There must be more to Africa than this......well it was the best move I made.

A Room with a View in Melville was a delight...the owners really looked after me and suddenly the next day I was off on, Hippos, Wild dogs, Zebra, Jaguar, Wart Hogs, Spring Boc, Gamboc,Cheetah, Buffalo, Ostrich, Guinea Fowl, Hyena, Rhino, Water Buffalo, species too numerous to mention.....all within six feet of mouth open and my heart was amazing stuff.

My black driver Eric from Jozi Tours and Safaris was amazing, and as we travelled he shared about his life in South Africa from Swetzanza. He lives and works in Johnanesburg and goes home to his community on weekends. His cultural heritage says that he can have 6 wives, however he has already had a child with his partner, and now she is tainted, her dowry is very low,1 or 2 cows, not like the six he would have to surrender for a clean virgin bride. The process for marriage was fascinating. He still ate traditional food whilst in Johannesburg...some sort of grubs which he breeds at home.....etc. He also had been at the end of being attacked, even though he was black, that didn't protect him from being robbed and accosted for his mobile telephone.

As I ventured further out into the community, supported by Eric as my trusty driver, I visited The Lesedi Cultural Village, African Market, the Scrap and Junk Exhibition in Roseland, the Rhino and Lion Park at Krugersdorp, my sense of how amazing Africa is surfaced. I was really getting to know the real Africa. It was magnificent.

I have always been amazed and empowered by Nelson Mandela and so I couldn't go to Africa and not meet him or see where the riots happened. So I found myself being taken by Donna fellow South African Rotary collegue to Constitional Hill. The home of the creation of the Bill of Rights and the South African Constitution. Wow.. On the old site of the old prision, the remains have been converted into a display and materials have been used in the new Constitutional Court which now stands along side the old prision.

Apartheid in South Africa ended in 1994.

However in 1964 Nelson Mandela went to prision to serve a life sentence on Robben Island of the coast near Cape Town. He had been cited inciting workers to strike and leaving the country without a passport. He had been known as the Black Pimpernel, and a hero to his people. For a quarter of a century he was incarcerated at Robben Island and then moved for the later part of his sentence to Johannesburg. Even though in prision he created waves, and his views became the views of others, leading to the over throw of the Apartheid sytem in 1994.

The old laws...the Pass Laws became Illegal in july 1986, and it meant that people could come from rural areas to the cities to look for work...

Sexual Abuse became known....In Soweto in February 1990 Women from various organsations came together and marched through Soweto to protest the sexual abuse of women and children and it is still happening today.....

My eyes, ears and mind became open to a completely different world than I had viewed in Australia, and over the next few days in Africa, I couldn't get enough of Soweto, learning and hearing about people's struggles to be treated with dignity and respect. I was really getting a sense of life in this amazing place.

So I took a tour out to Soweto....with Cedric de la Harpe..and it literally changed a part of my life. I was immediately struck by the community, the will of the people to have a different life, and the children smiling though playing in rubbish and filth.

Cedric took me to an amazing organisation established by Bob Namengo to support youth, and children in Soweto, SKY...Soweto Kliptown Youth. As I stood at the entrance to Soweto Kliptown Youth centre, a small complex on the side of a dusty road, amidst rotting garbage, and as I stood there taking a deep breath, I felt this little hand slip into mine...." don't look down, you know you can't take them all with you...don't love" I heard the little voice in my head say...... I was too scared to look, and so I walked to the entrance of the centre.

As I walked to the door way, a woman looked at me and said.."is there any thing I can do for you.?.". "Yes, I am here to help",.......I found the words tumbling out of my mouth.." Would you like me to help?...." She was silent, and then I noticed tears roll down her checks....."No body ever comes to help...?"

Over the next 6 hours I found myself dishing up meals to 350 Aids affected children. Oh my god..this issue is so big I kept thinking. The time just went and as I looked at the smiling faces so greatful for a small bowl of food which was their last meal of the day, I felt emotional and extremely humble in their presence. I could feel their love of me, a stranger.

Time just raced, and as it came time to go...I walked towards the door, knowing in my heart that I would be back. Cedric took another couple of photos, and suddenly I heard my name......wait we have something for you.....Faith handed me a white T Shirt, and suddenly I couldn't see anyone or anything, my eyesfilled with tears. I found myself crying like I have never cried in public before....Here was I, I had already got the most amazing gift of love, generosity, and humbleness, I had come to help others less fortunate than me, and here I was being given this amazing gift...a gift of love..priceless.

I knew I would be back, and already in my mind had set a date, March 2007.

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