Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recycle and save a life- in South Australia

What happens to your cans and bottles?
Out of sight out of mind?
Do you put them in the kerbside rubbish never to be seen again?
If you could recycle them and save the life of a child, would you be prepared to recycle differently?
What would it be like if you and your neighbours all recycled differently, maybe your company recycled differently instead of putting the recyclables into the councils bin, created a new bin and they were collected and recycled and the money used to save a life?
Would you be interested?
In our complex, there were dozens of bottles and drink cans just being placed in bins without a care often, and not even in the right recyclable bin.
With a little retraining and a promise for someoneelse to collect and take to the recyclers, we have been able to collect $64.00 to this point. We only require another $90.00 and we can feed,educate and school a child for 12 months at SKY, Soweto Kliptown Youth.
If someone hadn't taken a change of course a young adult like TK wouldn't have the future he has now, where he can make a difference to his community and the lives of other abandoned and starved AID's affected children.
Are you prepared to rethink, and email me so that we can set up a collection strategy in your neighbourhood.
Email and make a difference too.

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